Introduction to Womb Awakening

Welcome to Womb Awakening!

Listen to the Audio Version of the Womb Awakening Intro!

Check out these related episodes of Dharma Drops Podcast!

🎧 Episode 33: Menstruation Conversation with Veronica Ricksen

🎧 Episode 31: Prenatal Yoga: Practice + Support for Mamas with Kristen Nice

🎧 Episode 26: Healing the Feminine: Breast Cancer, Tantra, + Yoga with CA Gresham

🎧 Episode 15: Vagina, Art, and Creativity with Gaby Merediz

The full transcripts are below for you to read or use to follow along.

Hey, welcome to Womb Awakening. I am your guide for the course, Rebecca Warfield. I am so glad that you're here. You might know me as the host of Dharma Drops Podcast or maybe you don't know me at all, or maybe you know me as a yoga teacher or who knows where you know me from. It doesn't matter if we know each other or not. I'm just glad that we're here together in this course.

So before we get headed into the five lessons of Womb Awakening, I want to give you just a quick rundown of who the hell I am because if we've never met, you're probably wondering why is this woman talking to me? Who is she? And really what's going on in Dharma Drops and the inspiration behind the course Womb Awakening. So again, my name is Rebecca Warfield. I am the host and owner of Dharma Drops Podcast.

So Dharma Drops is a podcast, shop, and lifestyle brand. It's all the things, and I like to call it a yoga-ish lifestyle. Really the intention of all of my offerings is to truly give deep spiritual knowledge, but with the nice blend of modernity so that it's accessible and relatable to life in 2020 and beyond. Because really what happened in my own life is I found that I was getting really into yoga. I mean for crying out loud, I quit my job and became a yoga teacher, so obviously I love yoga, but that the teachings sometimes were being presented in ways that felt so out of touch with the way that my life is and that I'd have to renounce everything I've ever done in my entire life in order to be spiritual. And I really didn't think that that had to be the case. And so here's Dharma Drops: my response to that, an offering of podcasts, intentional living products, courses, services--you name it, we do it at Dharma Drops--that really guide individuals into living a spiritual, intentional and authentic life in a modern world.  

But Womb Awakenings is actually a pretty new offering for me. I've offered online courses before, but they were more geared toward yoga, but I've had some life experiences that have really inspired me to start offering different types of courses, starting with Womb Awakening.

I had the unfortunate experience in 2019 and in early 2020 of recurring miscarriages. So I have this miscarriage experience that started in 2019 and in my mind, first of all, I never even thought it'd be pregnant. And then once I was pregnant I never thought that I'd have a miscarriage. And if I did think that I was going to have a miscarriage, I just thought that it was like a quick thing and it was over and it turned out what happened was the miscarriage took seven weeks for my body to pass. And in that seven weeks, I realized I had no idea what's going on in my body--even though I'm a yoga teacher and a yoga practitioner, and I feel really in touch with my body--that there are these processes and cycles and things that happen in the body that I had no idea about because we don't ever talk about it. 

And in Western culture, we're often going so fast in our lives that we don't even know that we should be thinking about these things. So I had some long weeks feeling pretty bad on the couch, waiting to pass the embryo, to really think about, "Whoa, I don't know what the hell is going on with my body." And then what I discovered, when I started talking about it, women all over the place were saying the same thing. It turns out that having a missed miscarriage that can take up to seven weeks to pass, it's not abnormal at all. We just never talk about it. Once I started telling women that I had in miscarriage, the response almost every single time was, "I've been there." We just never talk about these things. And so that was sort of the initial approach to developing Womb Awakenings.

Then in 2020, unfortunately, I had a second miscarriage. They were only one month apart. So that was sort of this sign from the universe like, "Hey, your body is trying to teach you something, and this experience can help others learn too." And so here we are together in Womb Awakening, an opportunity for us to begin the inquiry into the womb experience and the sacred feminine.

And I think it's really important that we emphasize that this is a beginning of the conversation. I am by no means a medical professional. I am not an expert in any of this information, but what I am is a teacher. In fact, before I was teaching yoga, I taught English full time at the university-level. In fact, I've dedicated my entire life to education. I'm even in an educational leadership graduate program right now. So I'm a believer in education, and I believe that we all start somewhere, and we can start there together. And we can head in some direction, some who knows what we're going to some other place of understanding and we can do that together. 

So it's really important for us to know to collectively, as a community in Womb Awakenings, that this is not a fully comprehensive course in the feminine, in particular, the sacred feminine experience. The lessons in this course are designed to help spark the conversation for anyone who is interested in beginning an inquiry into the womb cycle, into the sacred feminine, into this concept of the womb awakening, or anyone who wants to read, dive back into it and maybe get a refresher. Because, hey, sometimes this stuff happens, we get busy, and we forget our own inner sacredness. So come on back if that's you. But it's really important for us to remember that this course is designed to start the inquiry through conversation, through introspection, through journaling, through using the workbook that's located in the welcome section of this course.

This is the beginning of the journey. It is not even the middle of the journey, and it is most certainly not the end of the journey. But what I do believe is that we could all start somewhere together and that we can learn together. I'm a believer social learning that, yes, maybe I'm the teacher, but I have just as much to learn from you as you do for me. So there's an opportunity in the course for you to leave comments, to ask questions, to share information, and we can collaborate, and we can learn together, socially, through this course. Because I do not believe that there is one person in this world who holds all the knowledge that you need to know.

In fact, much of the information that is provided in this course has come from other teachers I have learned along the way in my own study. So just acknowledgement to my teachers. First of all, thank you for instilling this knowledge to me and upon me so I can share it with others. But it's also just a reminder that we can learn together. There's not one of those who knows everything, so this is a journey for us together.

Now in this course, if you go down through the left sidebar, you will see that there is a Womb Awakening workbook. This is for you to use at your convenience. So after you listen to the audio recordings in each lesson, there are questions for you to answer that might help you work through the information provided. And there's even a space for you to take notes if that's something that you're into as you're listening through the audio lessons.

With that said, I know maybe the workbook isn't for everyone. There are some of you who might just want to listen to these recordings as you're driving to work or exercising. And there are others of you who might want to print that workbook out and study this stuff and work through it. It is up to you how you want to work through this material. It is your choice. This is your class. This is your journey. So no pressure to use the workbook. It's there for you if you want it.

Then, as we head into the actual course itself, you will see on the left side bar a section that says Womb Awakening: Conversations to Invite Inquiry. And again, just going back to what I said before, these are just topics to begin the personal inquiry.

So Lesson 1, we're looking at the womb cycle, the physical and energetic. This is actually looking at what's happening in the body physically and energetically during the stages of the menstrual cycle. Lesson Two: Potential and Creation where we'll look at the lower chakras and their role in our womb awakening and connection to the sacred feminine. Lesson Three, we'll talk about the Mother Goddess archetype, which is a pretty interesting topic if I may say so myself. 

Lesson Four is the Womb and Moon Cycles. And I do want to let you know that Lesson One and Lesson Four have about a little bit of overlap. But I did space them out so that way it doesn't feel like you're listening to the same information two times, but really Lesson One is about the menstrual cycle, the phases that happen in the body. Lesson Four is about those same cycles and their connection to the moon phases. And, then, Lesson Five is a conversation about the sacred feminine in modern life.

And as I always say on my podcast, these are musings, not truths. So I don't want you to go through these lessons and think like, "Oh my God, this is truth. My body's not doing these things. I don't really resonate with these things or you know, I have to change the whole way I'm living my life." That's not what's happening here in this course.

These five lessons are the launching pad for deeper conversation about your own body, your womb space, and your connection to the sacred feminine. Nothing less, nothing more. And now maybe that's a conversation that you want to have with some friends. Maybe that's a conversation that you have in your journal. If you're like me, maybe it's just conversation that you have with yourself, you know, while you're driving the car or something like that. There's nothing wrong with talking to yourself, right? But this is a place for us to begin the inquiry.

You'll also see in the left hand side that there is a section of bonus materials. So I offered a mantra for the Mother Goddess. This would be really nice for you to practice after Lesson Three and a 10-minute water/creation yoga class that you can practice at any time, but also might be pretty nice after Lesson Two. So these are some bonus materials for you.

You will have access to all of the content in this course for the rest of your life. So anytime that you feel like you need to come back to this information to dive back into this potential, this knowledge of the womb space, and the potential and creation of the sacred feminine, it's here for you at any time. And what's really nice sometimes about coming back to information, it seems like, "Oh, I already did that. I already know it." When we come back, it's like a whole new world because we bring new understanding. So take this course once, live your life, come back in a few months, take it again, then go live your life, then come back and take this course again. It's always going to be here for you. I will always be here for you, and we will always be here for each other.

So enough of my rambling. When you are ready, you can check out the workbook, maybe print it or download it if you want to use it, and then you can hop right on into Lesson One. If you would like to leave comments, every lesson does have an open comment box, so you can leave all of your questions and comments there ,and we can collaborate and share together.

Thank you so much for being a part of this course and for being a part of this community, and I hope you enjoy Womb Awakening.

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